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*                                    3dLIB                                    *
* 3dLIB - 3D Graphic objects library for Turbo Pascal Programmers. V3.0       *
* Last Update : Feb. 20, 1994.                                                *
*                                 FILE - LIST                                 *

The distribution package contains the following files, in the following
archives  :

Archive A :

        *       .TPU      - Pascal Units, DOS Real Mode :
                            CTM3D   .TPU - Current Transformation Matrix definition.
                            PROJECT3.TPU - Projection (3D -> 2D) unit.
                            HDR3D   .TPU - Header to 3D structures.
                            RTOBJ   .TPU - 3D Wire-Mesh objects.
        *       .TPW      - Pascal Units, Windows :
                            CTM3D   .TPW - Current Transformation Matrix definition.
                            PROJECT3.TPW - Projection (3D -> 2D) unit.
                            HDR3D   .TPW - Header to 3D structures.
                            RTOBJ   .TPW - 3D Wire-Mesh objects.
        *       .INT      - Pascal Units interfaces :
                            CTM3D   .INT - Current Transformation Matrix definition.
                            PROJECT3.INT - Projection (3D -> 2D) unit.
                            HDR3D   .INT - Header to 3D structures.
                            RTOBJ   .INT - 3D Wire-Mesh objects.
        *       .PAS      - Pascal Sources, Demo Programs :
                            DEMO3D  .PAS - A demo program - DOS.
                            DEMO3DW .PAS - A demo program - Windows.
        *       .3D2      - Demo OBJ3D Type object files (Pascal/Real):
                            3       .3D2 - A 3 dimensional "3" character.
                            BOX     .3D2 - A 3D box.
                            D       .3D2 - A 3 dimensional "d" character.
                            PROP    .3D2 - A 3D Propeller.
                            PYR     .3D2 - A Pyramid.
                            SUPROP  .3D2 - Another 3D Propeller.
                            TRAP    .3D2 - A 3D Trapeze.
                            TWOLAYER.3D2 - Demo 3DO defined object.
        *       .3DS      - Demo ComplexObj type object files.
                            BIMBO   .3DS
                            HOUSE   .3DS - A Very bad example of a house.
                            INMID   .3DS
                            MYTEST  .3DS
                            TWOBOX  .3DS - 2 Boxes Object.
                            TWOEDGE .3DS
                            TWOPYR  .3DS - 2 Pyramids.
        *       .3DD      - Demo object definition files.
                            TWOLAYER.3DD - Two Layers - one above the other.
                            TWOPYR  .3DD - The Two Pyramids Complex Object Src.
        3DLIB   .DOC      - This file.
        3DC     .EXE      - M3D to PAS source file translator. (DOS).
        3DC     .DOC      - 3dC translator documentation.
        3DA     .EXE      - 3dA Macro Animator (Interpreter) for the DOS environment.
        3DO     .EXE      - 3dO object compiler - DOS.
        3DO     .DOC      - 3dO object compiler documentation.
        *       .M3D      - Sample macro programs.
                            3DEMO   .M3D - Rotating '3' and 'D' objects.
                            BOX3MV  .M3D - Spiral Box.
                            BUG     .M3D - An old macro that once helped me to
                                           debug some of the 3D code.
                            CLC     .M3D
                            FOXTROT .M3D - Named after the Genesis album (Why?)
                            INTEGV  .M3D - A Nice macro.
                            KUKU    .M3D
                            NEWDEMO .M3D - A Long macro.
                            PYR3MV  .M3D - Same as BOX3MV but with a pyramid.
                            PYRMOV  .M3D
                            PYRTYP  .M3D
                            R2D2    .M3D
                            SUPERBOX.M3D - A box that "moves" in space..
                            TST     .M3D
                            TWOBOXMV.M3D - A ComplexObject animated.
                            ZOOZO   .M3D
        DEMO3D  .EXE      - Demo 3d animation program - DOS.
        DEMO3DW .EXE      - Demo 3d animation program - Windows.
        PROGRAMS.TXT      - HyperAct, Inc. shareware products description.
        3DLIB   .REG      - 3dLIB registration file.
        3DLIB   .UPG      - 3dLIB upgrade file for registered users.
        3DLIB   .RES      - 3dLIB resource file for windows programs.
        EGAVGA  .BGI      - BGI driver for EGA/VGA. (Pascal Compatible).
        3DLIB   .TPH      - A BP IDE/THELP 3dLIB on-line help.

Archive B :

        *       .H        - C++ Headers, DOS Real Mode (BC++/4):
                            CTM3D   .H   - Current Transformation Matrix definition.
                            PROJECT3.H   - Projection (3D -> 2D) unit.
                            HDR3D   .H   - Header to 3D structures.
                            RTOBJ   .H   - 3D Wire-Mesh objects.
        *       .OBJ      - C++ Object files, DOS Real Mode model medium (BC++/4):
                            CTM3D   .OBJ - Current Transformation Matrix definition.
                            PROJECT3.OBJ - Projection (3D -> 2D) unit.
                            HDR3D   .OBJ - Header to 3D structures.
                            RTOBJ   .OBJ - 3D Wire-Mesh objects.
        *       .CPP      - C++ Sources, Demo Programs :
                            DEMO3D  .CPP - A demo program - DOS.
        *       .MAK      - C++ Make files for the demo programs :
                            DEMO3D  .MAK - A demo program - DOS/Make file.
        *       .3D3      - Demo OBJ3D Type object files (C++/Double):
                            3       .3D3 - A 3 dimensional "3" character.
                            BOX     .3D3 - A 3D box.
                            D       .3D3 - A 3 dimensional "d" character.
                            PROP    .3D3 - A 3D Propeller.
                            PYR     .3D3 - A Pyramid.
                            SUPROP  .3D3 - Another 3D Propeller.
                            TRAP    .3D3 - A 3D Trapeze.
                            TWOLAYER.3D3 - Demo 3DO defined object.

        3DCW    .EXE      - Windows Hosted MDI M3D to PAS generator, and animator.
        R2D     .EXE      - Convert Real (Pascal) Objects to Double (C/C++) objects.
        3DCW    .HLP      - 3dCW on-line windows help file.

*                                Why Register                                 *

3dLIB is a shareware product, if you find this product valuable, please
register it. This section describes the reasons you should register.

By registering you will receive a diskette with the latest 3dLIB version,
the 3d environment program, for WYSIWYG object creation, the complete source
code for the 3d library, and - you will help us to create the next version of
3dLIB - that will include even more features than the features that are
currently available!,  we might even add YOUR enhancement requests!

A Special Registration Bonus include the 3D Mania Screen Saver Module Source!

With your registered version you will also receive a Registration Bonus
Certificate for one issue (or an additional issue if already a subscriber) of
the "JCSM Shareware Collection"tm CD-ROM at a cost of only $9.95 ! (plus S&H).
Offer valid through June 30, 1994. Only one certificate can be redeemed per

To order your registered copy of 3dLIB please do one of the following:
1. Order from HyperAct Inc.:
 You can order directly from HyperAct Inc. Please refer to the
 supplied 3DLIB.REG file. Edit it, print it and mail it
 (with a check) to:
  HyperAct Inc.,
  P.O.Box 5517
  Coralville Iowa 52241, U.S.A
 If you are outside the US and Canada, please note the following:
  - the S&H fee
  - wire-transfer payments can be arranged. Please contact
    HyperAct, Inc.

2. Order from PsL:
 You can order from Public (software) Library with your MC, Visa, AmEx
 or Discover card by calling 800-242-4PsL (from overseas: 713-524-6394)
 or by FAX to 713-524-6398 or by Compuserve to 71355,470.
 These numbers are for ordering only. HyperAct, Inc. can NOT be reached at
 those numbers. Please contact HyperAct, Inc. directly for any other
        type of problem (technical or other), information or request.

Registered users Upgrade note:
If you registered 3dLIB version 2.5, you can receive this version free (you
pay only S&H fee). If you have an older version, you can get this version for
only $20 (plus S&H fees). Please refer to the supplied 3DLIB.UPG file. Edit it,
print it and mail it (with a check) to HyperAct, Inc.

*                                  Warranty                                   *

There is no warranty what so ever, The package is supplied as is, The
distributor (ISoft D&M), or the author (Loewy Ron), are not, and will not be
responsible for any damages, lost profits, or inconveniences caused by the use,
or inability to use this package. The use of the package is at your own risk.
By using (or attempting to use) the package you agree to this.

*                                   General                                   *

3dLIB is distributed by HyperAct Inc.,
                        P.O.Box. 5517
                        IA 52241,

3dLIB is (c) copyrighted by HyperAct, Inc., 1991,94.

3dLIB is a shareware package, please register your copy. To register your copy
of 3dLIB please refer to the supplied 3DLIB.REG file.

Other programs distributed by HyperAct Inc. are described in the supplied

*                                   Contact                                   *

Please contact :

  HyperAct, Inc.
  P.O.Box 5517
  Coralville IA 52241

  E-Mail  : Compuserve - 76350,333
  Phone   : (319) 351-8413

To contact the author directly please write to :

  E-Mail  : Compuserve - 100274,162

*                                   Credits                                   *

3dLib was written by Ron Loewy.

3dLIB was written using Turbo Pascal 6.0 & 7.0, as well as  Turbo Pascal for
Windows 1.0, 1.5 and Borland Pascal with objects 7.0.
These products are trademarks of Borland international.

Windows 3.0 and Windows 3.1 are trademarks of Microsoft Corp.

The Borland Brief v3.1 editor was used to write these programs.

The windows help file, as well as the TPH file were created using the help
development kit (HLPDK) v11.0 by Loewy Ron.

The Author's picture (in the 3dCW program) was taken by Allison Bially.